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Monday, February 7, 2011

How to Get Free .mp3's Easy

You know how people used to download music with limewire and all that sketchy stuff? You were prone to get viruses if you weren't careful. And the law is cracking down on people that use that stuff, so why not do it a different way?

Here's whats you need to do. Its stupid simple, Im surprised not that many people know about this yet. but all you have to do is:

1.Go on youtube, and search a certain song you like and want to download. (Not all songs are going to be on youtube, thanks to all the legal bullshit they have with people uploading music on there.)

2.Once you find the song you're looking for, grab the URL of the youtube video, and copy and past into this website here:

And the rest is self explanatory pretty much.

So whatever you do. Don't get caught illegally downloading music on those file sharing softwares.

Do it this way. Its more discreet, and you dont have to worry about getting a virus.

Monday, February 1, 2010

More things to come

Just got a crap load of new software. Here's a random drawing. Homework is a bitch, but Its getting done. I havent had much time to add anything else, but things will get better.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Stressing with the work pile

Yup. Isn't that some shit? I had no idea this thing added the time and date for you whenever you add on posts to your blog. Oh well.. That is the life of a fish.

Anyways.. I'm Fucked.

I got like maybe 26 full story boards to ink in. I didn't know I needed to turn in my little roughs in. Turns out that shit was a grade. Not only that I haven't even finished my shitty roughs. I'm about a little bit more than halfway finished.

Tomorrow I have this same guy for another class. I have to turn in drawings of hands I think. hopefully I wont have to turn in anything or show my main project's progress. If I have to, I'm fucked there too. I gotta pull a party out my ass if I'm to not stress over this shit.

Anyways today for my color fundamentals class, I ended up not bringing my damn project because I was in a rush today. Pissed me off when I got to the class when I saw everyone with their shit. I was like FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Oh well. I have tomorrow to turn it in.

But anyways, until next time. I'm about to do more drawings for tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Looks like its that time again.

Well.. Its getting late. and I'm about halfway done with storyboard panels.. I got a lot of crap to do and turn in all by next week and I need to make it all look epic as hell. The professor I got for two of the classes of the week expects everyone to be an absolute perfectionist.

Meh. Maybe next time Ill have something better to slap on here.

Just Got an Ink Bottle

Today is January 19th, 2010.

1st Entry:

Yup.. What is do peoples? Today in my Storyboard class I ended up having to buy a bottle of ink. I'm a student at the Art Institute of Houston just to get some shit cleared out the way, but yeah... I ended up with this bottle of ink, and now I have to do like 20 or so storyboards with the ink and have it all finished by this coming up next Tuesday.

I'm not that great with drawing crap, but I somehow can manage to pull shit out my ass some way or another. I have that to do and then I have to draw perfect skeleton hands from what ive been told to do. Its gonna be pretty hellish to get all of it down the way I think its gonna come out.

For now Im going to stop this blog for a bit, but whatever. Hopefully I can get more things on here sometime soon.